
Showing posts from December, 2020

Assassins Creed: The Black Flag (Case study)

Ownership & Franchise: The Assassin's Creed franchise was created by Patrice Desilets, Jade Raymond and Corey May and it was developed by the video game company studio, Ubisoft Montreal. The first game that was released came out on November 13th 2007 and the most recently released one came out on November 10th 2020. This obviously shows the success of the game as it has been out for thirteen.  the series originated out of the Prince of Persia franchise series that's made on the PlayStation 2. The narrative was developed where the game player was the one that controlled the Assassin. The maximising income: In the first week of the game being sold, it became a best selling game. The initial sales of the game was dropped by 60% in comparison to the third game which came out in 2012. The Ubisoft company's drop in demand for distortion caused by the forthcoming switch to 8th generation consoles. I found that this game became quite large in November 2013 in U.S and it was jus...